Daniel R. Mitchell

Personal profile


Dr. Mitchell is from Lexington, Massachusetts. He married Nancy Lee Bowers in 1966. They have four grown children and nine grandchildren.
In nearly 50 years of ministry Dan has served as a children's pastor, youth pastor, senior pastor, jail chaplain, missionary, professor, author and academic administrator. In addition to many featured articles, his publications include two study Bibles (Nelson and Zondervan), two commentaries on First and Second Corinthians (AMG), and The King James Commentary on the Bible (2 Vols, Zondervan). He teaches biblical and systematic theology, Corinthian Correspondence and ethics, supporting the Master’s programs of the Rawlings School of Divinity and the Ph.D. in Theology and Apologetics.

Related documents


  • Biblical Studies
  • Comparative Methodologies and Theories
  • History of Religions of Eastern Origins
  • Other Religion
  • Religion
  • Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion