Lisa Foster

Personal profile


Dr. Lisa Hall Foster received her Ph.D. in educational leadership from the University of Virginia in 2011 before joining the faculty at Harvard Graduate School of Education as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow.  Upon completing a three-year fellowship where she developed all fidelity measures and assessments, as well as professional development for Research Assistants and teacher participants in the research study, she served for a year as the Co-PI and Project Director on the What Works Clearinghouse Postsecondary contract with Development Services Group.  In July, she accepted the position of Associate Professor of Education and Chair of Quantitative Research at Liberty University. She is a member of AERA, serving as the current Chair for the Mixed Methods Research SIG, past Program Chair and Secretary/Treasurer. She is the past Awards Chair for the Research on the Superintendency SIG.  She is currently on the Executive Awards Committee for the National Association of the Gifted and Talented.  As a veteran educator (25+ years), she has taught elementary, secondary, and postsecondary.  She has conducted and/or evaluated research in the areas of fidelity, educational leadership, literacy, math, and postsecondary education.  Furthermore, she presents annually at national and international conferences in all of the research areas.

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