Lisa S. Sosin

Personal profile


Lisa S. Sosin, Ph.D., L.P.C., L.L.P. is the Director of the Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision Program at the Center for Counselor Education and Family Studies at Liberty University. Dr. Sosin has 30 years of clinical and teaching experience in the field of clinical psychology and professional counseling. Dr. Sosin’s clinical practice includes the assessment and treatment of children, adults, couples, and families; as well as teaching, supervising, public speaking, and consultation to clinicians in training, physicians, educators, organizations, and clergy. Dr. Sosin has developed graduate curriculum and community programs covering diverse subjects including qualitative research, family development and functioning, evidence based practice, and clinical excellence and has presented and published in a variety of areas including psychotherapeutic process, emotional development, burnout, and ethics. Dr. Sosin’s primary research interests include the integration of creativity, spirituality, and counseling, qualitative research related to counseling practice, and emotion regulation. Dr. Sosin has been happily married to her best friend, David, for 29 years and has two wonderful sons, Tim (23) and Josh (17) and a delightful daughter in law, Hannah. 
The following is a set of selected works by Dr. Sosin. For a full list of clinical experience and scholarly activity please see her VITA posted on the right.

Related documents

External positions

Founder and Owner, Connections Psychological Services


  • Counseling
  • Counselor Education