Dr. Michael Price attended college at the University of Delaware, where he earned a B.S. degree in Animal Science. He then studied Plant Pathology at NC State University, where he earned both M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. In graduate school, Dr. Price studied biomediation using filamentous molds, as well as the genetic regulation of the production of the most potent naturally occurring carcinogen, aflatoxin, in Aspergillus species. After graduating from NCSU, he joined the Duke University Mycology Research Unit at Duke Medical Center to investigate the genetic basis of pathogenicity in the Cryptococcus/human pathosystem. First, he worked with Andrew Alspaugh on the involvement of the GTPase regulatory protein in Rdi1 in cryptococcal pathogenesis. Following publication of that work, he joined the lab of John Perfect to investigate carbon and nitrogen acquisition from the host by pathogenic Cryptococcus species. His current research continues these projects in understanding how pathogens acquire nutrients from their hosts.