Rachel Schwedt, Research Assistance Llibrarian at the Liberty University Jerry Falwell Library, has a BA degree from Roberts Wesleyan College and an MLS from The University of the State of New York at Geneseo. She has taught kindergarten and currently has over forty years experience as a librarian in both public and private schools serving in elementary schools, high schools, and universities.
During her years as a librarian, Rachel has developed a passion to connect young readers with quality literature. In pursuit of her passion, Mrs. Schwedt has co-authored five books about children’s literature, a book about poetry for adolescents, and a book about Christian fiction. She has presented workshops about literature at conferences for Christian schools. She also presents webinars and teaches instructional sessions in research methods. Currently in progress is a series titled "See Me Shine: Developing Character Through Books for Children."
Rachel is married to Ronald Schwedt, a retired teacher of Woodshop and Drafting at Liberty Christian Academy. They have two grown children and three grandchildren. Her interests include gardening, antiquing, and music.