* B.S. in Bible, Pastoral Studies, and History - Pillsbury Baptist Bible College
* M.S. in Library Media Education - Minnesota State University (Mankato campus)
* M.L.I.S. Masters of Library and Information Science - Florida State University
* Further study at Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Minneapolis and the University of Wisconsin, Madison
Randy Miller served as a Library Director for 15 years, and has also been a professional photographer, radio station manager, associate pastor, and Christian School principal. In 2002, he was awarded an Alumni Citation by his alma mater for Excellence in Christian Education.
Graduate and Faculty Research Assistance
I provide individual research consultations, primarily for graduate students and faculty. I teach classroom information and library instruction as requested for graduate departments and liaison areas. I create tutorials and webinars for bibliographic instruction. I serve as the liaison librarian for Graduate Counseling students. I also assist doctoral students in all disciplines, particularly as they work on their dissertations.
My desire is to foster information fluency among students and promote increased utilization of Liberty library resources among the faculty. We have a liaison system established to provide a link from the library to each academic discipline. I work with these liaisons as well as developing new means to increase information literacy across the university’s curriculum. Information literacy has been added as one of our university core competencies.
It is our goal that each Liberty student becomes a lifelong learner, skilled in finding, evaluating and using both conventional and electronic information resources. Please contact me with suggestions, questions, comments, or concerns you may have about library graduate or faculty research assistance or instruction services or if you think we may be of assistance to your academic area.