A Literature Review on the Practice of Placentophagia

Rachel Joseph, Marissa Giovinazzo, Megan Brown

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Placentophagia (consuming the placenta) has historically not been a common practice among humans. Over the past few decades the practice has gained attention as more women, particularly educated, middle-class, White American women, choose to partake in this practice. Purported benefits of placentophagia include pain relief, increased breast milk production, and decreased risk of postpartum depression; however, there is a lack of evidence to support these claims. The placenta can be consumed raw, cooked, or encapsulated; it can be used for keepsakes; or it can be used to make topical applications such as dermatologic creams and hair-growth products. Placentophagia has typically been viewed as a personal choice, resulting in little rigorous scientific research on the topic. More research is necessary to determine if the purported health benefits of placentophagia are proven.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalNursing for Women's Health
StatePublished - Oct 2016


  • Eating the Placenta
  • Literature Review
  • Placenta
  • Placenta Encapsulation
  • Placentophagia


  • Medicine and Health Sciences

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