The use of social media App’s has exploded in recent years. The purpose of this case study was to explore the use and implications of a social media App for shooting and editing video, when used in a higher education classroom where video projects are required. The study examined how the use of a student-centered App — in place of more traditional video and editing instruction — effected the student-learner model. The research questions included: RQ1 How does a social media video App impact student learning in a traditional higher education classroom? RQ2 What is the impact of a social media video App on the collaborative student-centered process? RQ3 Why does a social media video App enhance student-centered learning outcomes? The study used observation, in-depth individual participant interviews and a focus group of participants. The study found that participants favored the use of a video App for learning. Moreover, the case study pointed to a preference for collaborative, experiential student-centered learning. This self-directed and peer-involving learning approach resulted in more creative solutions, with participant benefits grouped into three themes: first, interaction was enhanced, with students reaching out to each other and voluntarily increasing use of digital tools; second, collaboration increased, with the increasingly iterative cycles of problem-solving involving both participant peers and digital tools; and, third, creation of assignment solutions that were experiential in nature, resembling the more complex and professional digital products of produced by organizations outside the classrooms.