Alcohol Related Violence and Unwanted Sexual Activity on the College Campus

Mary E. Nicholson, Min Qi Wang, Dolores Maney, Jianping Yuan, Beverly S. Mahoney, Daniel D. Adame

Research output: Other contribution


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships among alcohol consumption, sexual assault and rape, and nonsexual violence in a college population at a large Northeastern university. A 49-item questionnaire was designed to elicit responses from both victims and perpetrators. Of the 1,084 respondents: 518 were male, 566 were female, the majority were White (91.8%), and in the 18-21 age range. Unwanted sexual activity, rape, and violence were significantly related to alcohol consumption on the college campus studied. These data indicated that alcohol was involved in: a) unwanted sexual activity--both from the victim's perspective (85.7%) and from the perpetrator's perspective (76.0%); b) rape--both from the victim's perspective (69.0%) and from the perpetrator's perspective (100%); and nonsexual violent acts from the same sex (59.5%), and (c) from the opposite sex (58.9%). The findings are consistent with those of previous studies that indicate a persistent trend in the negative consequences of violence linked to alcohol use and abuse among college students.

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
StatePublished - Jan 1 1998
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameFaculty Publications and Presentations

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