Animation Overrides, Prims And Student Teaching: Managing And Collaborating With Undergraduate Teacher Candidates In Multi-User Virtual Environments

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


The mid-two thousands hinged the future of education on the use of multi-user virtual environments. The frenzy over this clumsy but multimedia rich environment ran viral. Assumptions about the nature of the “traditional” college student (late teens to earl twenties) fed into the thought that we merely had to virtually build it for the students to come (and be engaged, motivated, and potentially learn). Now, we see the rise of mobile technologies, augmented reality and collaborative online social networks as replacements for this “old technology.” Where does that leave these virtual playgrounds for the socialites and potentially the learners?
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Jan 2012
EventThe Clute Institute Academic Conference 2012 -
Duration: Jan 1 2012 → …


ConferenceThe Clute Institute Academic Conference 2012
Period1/1/12 → …


  • Second Life


  • Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching
  • Instructional Media Design

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