ASERVIC Webinar Series: The Mindfulness Experiential Small Group (MESG) Curriculum

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


MESG SERIES - Mindfulness Experiential Small Group Curriculum

Mindful Orientation, MESG Curriculum Phase 1
The Mindful Orientation Webinar will consist of psychoeducation on the theory and rationale for the development of the Mindfulness Experiential Small Group (MESG) Curriculum. Participants will hear some mindfulness concepts and an overview of the first three weeks of the MESG Curriculum. Participants will also engage in some guided mindfulness practices used in the MESG Curriculum during this session.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will learn the theory and rationale for the MESG Curriculum.
  1. Participants will review some mindfulness concepts and weeks 1-3 of the MESG Curriculum
  2. Participants will engage in a mindfulness ice breaker and diaphragmatic breathing activity

Mindful Awareness, MESG Curriculum Phase 2
The Mindful Awareness Webinar will build on the Mindful Orientation Webinar expanding on the use of breath work in mindfulness practice, expanding to notice body sensations, thoughts and emotions. Focus will include weeks 4-6 of the MESG Curriculum.
Learning Objectives:
  1. Participants will learn about the relationship between mindful breath work, thoughts, emotions, and body sensations.
  2. Participants will review weeks 4-6 of the MESG Curriculum
  3. Participants will engage in an experiential mindfulness activity

Mindful Application, MESG Curriculum Phase 3
The Mindful Application Webinar will build on the Mindful Orientation Webinar and the Mindful Awareness Webinar. The presenters will provide information on ways that mindfulness can be used in counseling and counselor education, as well as an overview of research results (Bohecker et al, 2014; Bohecker et al, 2016; Bohecker et al, 2016). This final webinar will also include an experiential component where participants will engage in a mindfulness activity.
Learning Objectives:
  1. Participants will learn how to apply mindfulness   into their professional work.
  2. Participants will review weeks 7-9 of the MESG Curriculum
  3. Participants will engage in an experiential mindfulness activity.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Sep 2017
EventAssociation for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC) - Webinar
Duration: Sep 1 2017 → …


ConferenceAssociation for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC)
Period9/1/17 → …


  • Counseling

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