The outcome of depression has been well established for sexual minorities. This can be seen in particular within the research regarding those who are attracted to both genders (ABG). The lifestyle choice of nonmonogamous or open relationships is commonly found in ABG relationships. These behaviors demonstrate the concept of permissiveness in relationships. The negative effect of the nonmonogamous lifestyle yields mixed results of either no developed psychopathologies and more personal satisfaction or in developed psychopathologies such as depression. Conscientiousness is often negatively correlated to ABG, permissive behavior in relationships, and depression. The current hypothesis is that conscientiousness and permissiveness in relationships mediate the relationship between ABG and depressive symptoms. A mass survey was given to 895 participants; 177 of whom were attracted to both men and women. It was found through a linear regression analysis that conscientiousness and permissiveness significantly mediated ABG and depressive symptoms. Permissiveness and ABG were positively correlated to depression while conscientiousness was negatively correlated to depression, permissiveness, and ABG. Future research should evaluate the importance of both sexual identity and self-concept clarity and uses interview-style data collection to build the gap between pressured stereotypes and self-concept clarity.