Faith Baptist Church of Tuscola and many other churches worldwide do not currently conduct Christocentric discipleship. Discipleship, in general, is not being achieved as well. A significant disconnect between the gospel and discipleship exists today. There is ignorance regarding the gospel and its message and how believers are to fulfill the Great Commission. The disconnect is a result of the type of gospel preached and implemented. This study aims to discover a means and method to correct the ignorance of the gospel that results in improper or lack of discipleship, thus creating converts to Christianity and not disciples of Christ. Discipleship must be centered on Christ and surrounded by His actions and teachings. The study method will provide a Christocentric view of discipleship, the gospel, the command to make disciples, and the associated requirements and expectations of being a disciple. The study will follow a five-week guided group discussion led by the researcher, who will present thought-provoking questions to guide the group to a logical conclusion. The goal is to develop a local solution the week following the five-week guided group, using local congregation members, to correct the lack of Christocentric discipleship at Faith Baptist Church of Tuscola and further the kingdom of God.