Code Girls in World War Two

Madison Kelly

Research output: Other contribution


Before World War Two, women were typically seen as school teachers or housewives. However, when a prominent war occurred, many women switched careers for the given time and helped out with the homefront. Some women traveled to the front lines and flew planes or served as nurses. However, many of the women remained behind the scenes. The Code Girls is a prime example of that; they were used to break codes behind the scenes to support those on the front lines. Many of these girls were school teachers, or obtaining a college degree in either math or science. For a woman to have a college degree at this time was rare and almost unheard of, she would have to be from a wealthy family to attend school. The Navy and Army would search for these women as they were highly educated. During this time, only twenty percent of girls sought a higher education1. During this period, college was seen as no place for young ladies. Nevertheless, women were desperately needed, so the Navy and Army sought out the best of the best2. Both branches of the armed services needed help with the logistical side of the war, intelligence. Since many of the men were off fighting the only option was to get school girls. These girls that were hand-selected would eventually be given the name “Code Girls.”3 The Code Girls allowed the Allied powers to dominate the Axis because of their background, work ethic, and intelligence.

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
StatePublished - Apr 17 2024
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameLiberty University Research Week

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