College Freshmen's Perceptions of High School Counselors

Le'Ann L. Solmonson, Gail Roaten, Dennis G Jones, Annette C Albrecht

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The authors present results from a survey of 1498 college freshmen regarding students’ perceptions of their experience with their high school counselors. The results of this research provide evidence that Texas students have positive perceptions of their high school counselors regarding availability, confidentiality and trust, and guidance activities. While there are areas of needed improvement identified, the students indicated counselors are available to students and are most effective in building relationships based upon positive rapport.
Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory Research
StatePublished - 2014


  • Social and Behavioral Sciences
  • Counseling

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