A new treatment nGVS has recently been explored. To date, no studies have been performed that look at the nGVS effect on geriatric and the effect on specifically fall prevention. Therefore, the purpose of this CAT is in a commonly sedentary population what is the effect of Noisy Galvanic Stimulation treatment compared to balance training on fall prevention in older adults. Clinical Scenario: Falls are a common experience in older adults and have been treated with physical aids (canes, walkers, or wheelchairs). However, the effectiveness of this treatment does not rid or fully treat the specific population of the problem, it prevents it practically. Focused Clinical Question: A new treatment nGVS has recently been explored. To date, no studies have been performed that look at the nGVS effect on the geriatric population and its effect on fall prevention. Therefore, the purpose of this Critically Appraised Topic (CAT) is in a commonly sedentary and fall-prone population, what is the effect of Noisy Galvanic Stimulation treatment compared to balance training on the effect of fall prevention in older adults? Summary of Key Findings: All three studies showed significant differences between nGVS and has a significant post-stimulation effect on postural stability improvement. Clinical Bottom Line: Evidence does support the usage of Noisy Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation treatment, each study reported that this intervention induced long-term improvement in postural stability and decreased center of pressure (COP) sway.