From Dust to Destiny

Greg Faulls

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Why is this short book important? The answer is simple, you were created for more. You were created for something that transcends what most people dare to imagine. You were made for more than mere self gratification. Your God designed life is worthy of more than the materialistic dream for which so many of us settle. You were created as an expression of God’s Majesty and designed for eternal purpose. This little book will take you back before time began in an exploration of God’s original purpose for your life. In these pages you will discover you are more than you realized and that God wants to do more through your life than you imagined. Here you will find the God who made you, loves you, aims to walk with you, and work through you to make a transforming impact on the world.

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
StatePublished - Jan 1 2014
Externally publishedYes

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