Genesis Flood (Global View)

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


First Paragraph:

A global Flood is attested throughout Church history, including more early church fathers, reformers, and moderns than can be mentioned (see VanDoodewaard 2015 for a comprehensive review). But it is not simply because this view is historically pedigreed that it is preferable; it is because it is robust in its approach to the issues. Can a global Flood view provide a synthesis of the modern biblical and scientific issues and evidences? I believe it can. Here I focus on four themes: the pitfalls of local and mythological perceptions of the Flood, the biblical affirmation of a global Flood in Genesis 6–9, the use of the Flood narrative in the New Testament, and geological evidences for a global Flood.
Original languageAmerican English
Title of host publicationDictionary of Christianity and Science
StatePublished - 2017


  • Noah
  • Genesis
  • geology
  • Ancient Near East


  • Biblical Studies
  • Christianity
  • Geology
  • Paleobiology

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