Honorable Time Management

Ashley Barnett

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


It is evident that those attending college must learn the best way to take control of their time outside of the classroom in order to maximize their overall university experience. Research on time management of homework has suggested that it has the potential to not only increase productivity and academic success, but also increase life quality due to a reduction in stress. A personal study was conducted to increase the time management of homework in an undergraduate honors student. For the purposes of this study, time management of homework was defined as the ability to complete school-related tasks according to a written and planned schedule. The behavioral treatment of self-management (goal setting, self-monitoring, and positive reinforcement) was utilized to increase the target behavior and was effective in doing so. As with previous studies conducted earlier by other researchers, this study demonstrated that control of time is beneficial for a college student’s academic and personal wellbeing.

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
JournalHonorable Mention
StatePublished - Jan 17 2017
Externally publishedYes

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