Improving Lay Helper Effectiveness: Teaching Living Prayer as a Gateway to a Focused Kingdom Lifestyle

Mark R. Painter

Research output: Other contribution


It is common for those entering counseling at the Lake Church Counseling Center to lack intimacy with God. When one lacks intimacy with God, they are in imminent danger of becoming influenced exclusively by the world's thinking in one or more areas of life. It is the effort of the LCCC to provide services to those suffering from emotional, spiritual, relational, and personal development struggles. Initially, the counseling center treats such conditions using Living Prayer to help clients strengthen their connection with God and transition to behaviors influenced only by the kingdom of God. This project aims to help Lake Church members learn to use Living Prayer as a gateway to a focused kingdom lifestyle. The intervention's value is that a more focused kingdom lifestyle benefits anyone experiencing a life struggle and that those who will eventually attend counseling sessions at the LCCC will already be familiar with Living Prayer. To deploy the Living Prayer concept to all church members, the researcher selected a group of lay leaders already involved in supporting those with struggles. The group attended a four-hour training seminar followed by a four-week trial period. After the seminar and the trial period, surveys revealed that participants overwhelmingly embraced Living Prayer and their new role as Living Prayer Coaches. The results of this project demonstrate that lay leaders and helpers value training programs aimed at improving their proficiencies and augmenting their gifts.

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
StatePublished - Dec 5 2022
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameDoctoral Dissertations and Projects

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