Integrating spirituality in counselor education counseling practice

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Spirituality has received increased attention from the counseling profession in coursework, assessment, and general awareness. Despite an increased awareness, how spirituality is incorporated into counselor education is not clearly defined. Many counselor education students appear to have insufficient or superficial knowledge of integrating spirituality into counseling. Although the ASERVIC competencies provide a framework to integrate spirituality into counselor education pedagogy, many questions appear to still linger about integration. Further, current research and literature supports this integration of spirituality into counseling, and it is becoming more prevalent across the nation. Despite an ever-increasing amount of research that supports the efficacy of integrating spirituality in the counseling process, how this training should be implemented in a counselor education program has not been determined. Professional literature provides examples of how some counselor education training programs are attempting to include training opportunities regarding the integration of spirituality and counseling. This presentation is designed to continue this discussion by gathering and providing suggestions to encourage the integration of spiritual themes in counselor education and counseling practice. Participants will discuss instructional and supervision suggestions, as well as training methods, interventions, and common concerns when addressing spirituality.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Oct 2014
EventNorth Central Association of Counselor Education Supervision Conference - St. Louis, MO
Duration: Oct 1 2014 → …


ConferenceNorth Central Association of Counselor Education Supervision Conference
Period10/1/14 → …


  • Counseling
  • Counselor Education

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