International Partnership in Educational Strategic Planning and Evaluation: The Muffles College Project

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


The Florida Association of voluntary Agencies for Caribbean Action was formed by the state’s Governor to increase cooperation with Caribbean nations and provide on-site technical assistance and training in health, agriculture, social services, and education. In 1996, the Association conducted a project with Muffles College, a junior college in Belize, to develop a strategic planning workshop for the college’s faculty, administration, and constituents and to develop an implement an institutional evaluation process for the college. The project resulted in the following outcomes: (1) the strategic planning workshop helped staff identify the college’s internal strengths, such as the discipline of the administration and bilingual constituents, and weaknesses, such as the lack of resources and of opportunities for faculty development; (2) the workshop also helped identify changing external conditions related to political, social, economic, educational, demographic, and cultural factors; (3) external opportunities identified included the college’s location and cooperative relations with industry, while threats included decreasing finances and a lack of employment opportunities for graduates; (4) an evaluation process was developed that will allow the college to demonstrate accountability and improve educational programs; and (5) the steps of the process include establishing the purpose of review, developing a methodology, developing criteria, establishing guidelines, conducting the review, and implementing any resulting recommendations. Workshops findings and the review process are attached.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Aug 1 1996


  • college planning
  • community colleges
  • environmental scanning
  • evaluation methods
  • foreign countries
  • international cooperation
  • organizational development

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