Mental Optometry: You Go Where You're Looking

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The term, Mental Optometry, is a newly developed concept that can be used to describe the interplay between mind, brain, and sensory interpretations. Taken from the premise of behavioral optometry and research explaining body orientation  to physical field of vision, what we see or perceive with our mind’s eye, emotions and
behaviors will also follow in the same manner. While not explicitly referred to in such a manner,
cognitive, cognitive behavioral, and cognitive bias formation theories imply such a concept as
being foundational to their systems. Mental Optometry arms the theorist and practitioner with a
neurobiological empowered understanding of mood, emotion, thought, and interpretations of visual
stimuli such that therapeutic interventions can be developed to assist patients in recognizing and
altering skewed interpretations of what they think they see (the mind’s eye) – imagery that may   
deleteriously support negative cognitions leading to negative mood states.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalJournal of Psychology
StatePublished - Aug 1 2015


  • mental optometry
  • perception
  • mind's eye


  • Social and Behavioral Sciences

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