On the Front Lines: The Role of Teachers in the Prevention of Child Trafficking Through Education and Awareness of Online Recruitment Tactics

Lucinda S. Spaulding, Timothy R. Spaulding

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Generating an estimated 32 billion US dollars annually (International Labor Organization [ILO] 2009), sex trafficking is one of the fastest-growing industries internationally and domestically. Further, children constitute approximately 25% of trafficked individuals (ILO, 2012). The Trafficking Victim’s Protection Act (TVPA; 2000) states that an individual under the age of 18 involved in any form of commercial sexual exploitation meets the criteria for sex trafficking of a minor, and the National Strategy focuses on 4 types of exploitation: (a) child pornography, (b) online enticement of children for sexual purposes, (c) commercial sexual exploitation of children, and (d) child sex tourism. The TVPA suggests that prevention, prosecution, and protection are needed to address the problem. Considering this framework, teachers are well situated to help prevent child trafficking through education and awareness, the first steps to helping children protect themselves against trafficking. This presentation addresses characteristics of children at-risk for sex trafficking recruitment, with a focus on online enticement and how traffickers meet potential victims in chat rooms, on social networking sites, and Voice-Over the Internet Protocol sites. Prevention and awareness initiatives in the US will be reviewed and information about the online dangers to be aware of and safe internet usage, as well as who to contact for help if being recruited for trafficking will be provided. This is important information for teachers to relate to their students, as “commercial sexual exploitation can happen to any girl regardless of age, race, socioeconomic status, or geographical location” (Rand, 2009, p.141).

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Sep 18 2014
EventVirginia Educational Research Association (VERA) Annual Meeting -
Duration: Sep 18 2014 → …


ConferenceVirginia Educational Research Association (VERA) Annual Meeting
Period9/18/14 → …


  • trafficking
  • online enticement
  • teachers
  • schools
  • prevention


  • Educational Leadership
  • Other Education
  • Student Counseling and Personnel Services

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