Once upon a Time: An Academic Library Serving the Community through Story

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


As champions of narratives, librarians know the power of stories to bring joy and unity. In the current circumstances of division with regard to public story times, librarians can redeem the power of story by inviting the community to join in wholesome, read-aloud events. In this workshop, learn how our curriculum library conducted family-oriented, weekly, summer story times to build relationships, promote literacy for children, foster local connections, encourage Christian discipleship, enhance organizational culture, and serve local families through fun, engaging events. In this presentation, the presenter shared resources, experiences in planning and conducting weekly story times with a biblical worldview, as well as lessons learned, and notable benefits. Workshop participants may leave with a deeper appreciation for how literacy outreach can unite and engage alumni, community members, and families of university employees along with information for setting up and marketing their own story time programs. 
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Jun 8 2023
EventAssociation of Christian Librarians - Cedarville University, Cedarville, OH
Duration: Jun 8 2023 → …


ConferenceAssociation of Christian Librarians
Period6/8/23 → …


  • Library and Information Science

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