The purpose of this study was to provide recommendations to solve the problem of a lack of computer skills among Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 4 and 5 learners at the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Center. The problem was that CLB 4 and 5 learners do not have basic computer skills. When the school switched to online mode during the pandemic, most teachers were not sure how to teach and assess learners using technology. Around 75% of learners asked the coordinator to withdraw from the program as they felt they did not get the same teaching quality as the traditional method. The rationale for this study was that learning with technology may enhance the learners’ academic achievements and equip them with all the necessary skills needed in the workplace so the community would have well-trained immigrants who attract more businesses, and employers would consider the graduates of this school for employment. Consequently, the provincial government would notice a decrease in social assistance applications, and schools would get more funds. The school may also earn higher online rankings and reviews. For this reason, the central research question was, “How can the problem of a lack of computer skills among CLB 4 and 5 learners be solved at the LINC Center?” Three forms of data were collected. The first data collection method was interviews with teachers and administrators at LINC in Mississauga, Ontario. The second form of data collection was a focus group with teachers, and the third was a survey administered to all instructors. Recommendations to solve the problem included creating professional learning communities (PLCs) and providing blended professional development to teachers.