Recording (in) Progress: Building a Library Podcast from the Ground Up

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Podcasts have exploded in the media landscape and have become a mainstream platform for conversation. Through interviews with academic library professionals and leaders, the Librarian Lunch Break podcast provides opportunities for learning and professional development for both ourselves and our listeners. This poster will address the development of a podcast including the initial idea, the preparation, the interview process, and ultimately the deployment and promotion of the finished product. As an outcome of our experience, we will also share principles gleaned from our first season of the podcast, which focused on the landscape of early career librarianship. Although we started with the same questions, the interviews all went in various directions, providing a wide array of insight that we may not have been able to gain across other professional development channels. Learn about the things we planned for, the things we didn’t, and the value we found in the process along the way.

Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Feb 1 2020


  • Podcast
  • Library


  • Library and Information Science

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