Returning to the Sources: The Literature of Christian Librarianship

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


By definition, a research study explores new intellectual territory yet builds on previous inquiry that has led up to it. However, many sources that explore the connections between Christian faith and the information professions fail to acknowledge the existence of prior discourse on the subject. The author has assembled a database of more than 450 sources that discuss topics such as philosophy and ethics of librarianship from a Christian perspective; the mediation of Christian/religious information in various library contexts; Christian, religious, and theological publishing; and more. Insights from these sources can help readers develop professionally and engage in productive dialogue about the integration of Christian faith and library practice. This presentation includes a case study regarding source acknowledgment in works that discuss the inclusion of creationist literature in library collections. It profiles the author’s database, describing its media types, dates, subject matter, and more. Finally, it describes key database search techniques.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Jun 11 2009
EventAssociation of Christian Librarians -
Duration: Jun 11 2014 → …


ConferenceAssociation of Christian Librarians
Period6/11/14 → …


  • libraries
  • librarianship
  • Christianity
  • religion
  • theology
  • bibliography
  • creationist literature
  • information


  • Library and Information Science
  • Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion

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