Robots in the Library: Automated Storage Retrieval Systems

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


While ASRS (automated storage and retrieval system) installations in libraries are not new, Liberty University’s was distinctive on several fronts: The ASRS vendor had no previous experience in libraries; the library aggressively chose to store some 70% of its main library collection in the ASRS; bins with books were preloaded as construction progressed, allowing for rapid ingestion into the ASRS and subsequent launch of regular retrieval; and the ASRS is a technological showpiece of the new library building. The speakers look at the planning, collection analysis, software development, loading and ingestion, and ILS management.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - Apr 9 2014
EventComputers in Libraries -
Duration: Apr 9 2014 → …


ConferenceComputers in Libraries
Period4/9/14 → …


  • automated storage/retrieval systems
  • academic libraries
  • Jerry Falwell Library
  • Liberty University


  • Collection Development and Management

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