Secondary Curriculum in Practice: Developing with an Integrated Approach

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Writing daily lesson plans can be quite consuming for a new teacher, but developing curriculum can be even more cumbersome.  It is the hope that this book will enlighten all pre-service teachers and seasoned teachers, alike, to not only prepare for their specific content, but create lessons that integrate other content areas as well.  By developing curriculum for an entire school year, teachers will be able to emphasize the various secondary contents, technology, and diversity that is necessary in our 21st century learners.   
The following text will enable secondary practitioners to develop integrated curriculum and write across curriculum, considering secondary endorsement areas, best practices, and effective teaching strategies in reaching all levels of learners.  While other curriculum textbooks currently on the market are theoretical in nature with very little discussion on practice, this book will approach curriculum from a “real world” perspective, allowing even first year teachers to feel comfortable walking into a classroom and beginning their lessons from an integrated approach.  After perusing an unlimited number of textbooks currently on the market, it was evident that most texts might only focus on one specific content area--not all of the content areas addressed--as secondary teachers are required to do in our 21st century schools.  This text will not only provide an overview of what is curriculum, but it will be written for the audience of practitioners--those who will be working or are working in the field.  It will also discuss all of the content areas, including math, science, social studies, English, and share strategies in integrating other content areas within one specific topic of study.  Not only will content integration be discussed, but other pertinent areas of curriculum will also be taught, including how to work with students with exceptionalities, how to incorporate character education, assessment, collaboration, and technology. 
This book should be used for pre-service teachers—those seeking initial licensure, but could be used for practicing educators who want to learn more about enhancing their craft with various integration required of secondary teachers in K12 schools. The pre-service teachers will learn how to write a full years’ worth of curriculum for a specific content area.  Within their specific content area (whether it is Science, Social Studies, English, or Math, it could also be Teachers of English Language Learners, Art or Music Teachers, etc.), they will learn how to integrate other content areas within their curriculum, making it a stronger lesson. For instance, if I am a social studies teacher, how can I integrate art, music, or physical education/movement into my lesson?  This book will show how to do just that.  For those already teaching in their field, the book will also enhance instruction by covering topics of special education, differentiation, multiple intelligence, and behavior management. 
This book is a practical book—a “how to” sort of text—that will enable secondary teachers and teachers-to-be to write a full year of content with various levels of integration.  It is our hope that those using this textbook will be able to implement strategies for accommodating multiple intelligences and differentiation, working in Inclusive classrooms (special education), and handling behavioral issues that will surely arise.
One of the main problems observed by previewing other textbooks is that the other texts focus on general education only.  This book offers a significant contribution because in our schools of today, with the reauthorized IDEA, it is required by federal law that educators instruct students with disabilities in their least restrictive environment.  Because of this law, general education teachers are encountering students with exceptionalities and do not know how to work with them in the classroom. 
The book will address several of the key components that new(er) teachers face.  Part I will focus on Curriculum Fundamentals, which is more of the “what is” portion of Curriculum, while Part II will focus on Curriculum Integration, which is the “how to” portion of Curriculum.
Original languageAmerican English
StatePublished - May 20 2015


  • Education

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