The purpose of this phenomenological study was to communicate the experiences of African American Christian females with intimate partner violence (IPV). The central phenomenon of the study aimed to research religious effects on African American Christian females' decision-making regarding IPV in the state of Georgia. The theory guiding this study was social constructivism, introduced by two sociologists, Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckman. The study's goal was to depend as much as possible on the stories of the members being examined. Data will be collected using two methods: interviews and oral history. A critical case sampling was used to collect specific information about the problem, providing access and ease in collecting data. Themes were generated from the analysis of significant statements provided by participants. The data from research questions were used to highlight significant statements, sentences, or quotes that explained how the participants experienced the phenomenon. Interviews were semi-structured and consisted of open-ended questions to allow the participants to speak freely about their lived IPV experiences.