Social media has played a huge role in society today and is one of the most common activities in everyday life for people of all ages. Due to the long amount of time that most users spend on social media daily, some trends seem to grow and become very visible over time that have a negative impact on mental health but also on neuro developmental disorders. Neurodevelopmental disorders are identified through a list of symptoms and characteristics that show a problem in how the brain is developing. Due to social media still being very new in this generation and with its huge advancements and changes in fast periods of time few studies focus on comparing the symptoms of obsessive social media use to neuro developmental disorders. This study aims to link the common characteristics and symptoms of obsessive social media use to ADHD and ADD to see if it is possible to show that they are common enough to have a hard time differentiating. Part of the goal will also be to show the maladaptive behavior that develops from social media use and how over time it can change the brain’s neuroplasticity in a way where memory retention is affected, and focus is negatively impacted. In this dissertation there will be a quantitative method of research that will build a base of research to help show these statements to be accurate and allow for future research to build upon this method for further understanding.