The purpose of this predictive, correlation study was to determine if there is a relationship between high ability high school math student’s self-reported self-esteem and their perceptions of teachers’ behaviors as controlling or supportive at the high school level. The criterion variable was self-esteem, and the predictor variables were student perceptions of teachers’ behaviors as controlling or supportive. Research has connected the positive self-esteem in educational achievements in the classroom to a high probability of success in the workforce as well. Other research has also correlated lower academic success to lower self-esteem and less success in the workforce. Students often react to people in their lives. How important people in a student’s life respond to them may determine whether their self-esteem is high or low. Although there have been studies on how self-esteem affects students’ academic progress, the problem is that no research has been conducted in the United States at the high school level using the controlling and supportive instruments developed by Kususanto et al. This study was conducted at a private school in Eastern United States. The sample was from three classrooms with a possible sample size of 75 students. However, only 20 students and parents completed and returned the joint consent forms and were allowed to complete the questionnaires. There were 12 biological females and 8 biological male students. The students were from three high ability math classes including Advanced Algebra 2, Precalculus, and Calculus. The results showed that there is a positive correlation between self-esteem and student perceptions of teacher behaviors as supportive or controlling in high ability math students.