The Relationship of Divine Forgiveness, Victim Forgiveness, and Physical Health Mediated by Stress

Lemuel Josiah C. Ragasajo

Research output: Other contribution


Though there is increasing evidence to support a relationship between forgiveness and physical health, certain subcategories of forgiveness, namely victim and divine forgiveness, are relatively understudied. This study seeks to add to the body of forgiveness literature by examining how divine and victim forgiveness relate to one’s physical health, and whether that relationship is mediated by stress. Furthermore, a literature review is included to detail how stress, a potential mediating variable between forgiveness and physical health, affects physical health. The results of the study reveal that victim forgiveness positively predicts physical health, but is not mediated by stress. In contrast, divine forgiveness alone does not predict physical health, rather the effect of divine forgiveness on physical health was mediated by stress.

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
StatePublished - May 6 2021
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameSenior Honors Theses

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