The RP Church and the 1918 Pandemic Over a century later, congregations are being affected in similar ways

Nathaniel Pockras

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Quarantine. Wearing a mask. Keeping safer at home. Pandemic. No public worship. Closing and reopening. Many of us think of these far more often than we did a year ago, since we have never experienced anything comparable to COVID-19. But many of us have heard about the great Spanish Flu pandemic at the end of World War I, and we know that a lot of these concepts were important then.

Original languageAmerican English
JournalDefault journal
StatePublished - Sep 1 2020


  • reformed presbyterian
  • church history
  • spanish flu


  • Christian Denominations and Sects
  • History of Christianity
  • United States History

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