Thomas Forsyth Torrance's Critique of Evangelical (Protestant) Orthodoxy

John D. Morrison

Research output: Other contribution


Within Thomas Torrance’s larger criticism of the destructive reentrenchment of philosophical dualism in theology, he also gives briefer criticism to what he sees as the dualism of ‘modern Protestant (evangelical) orthodoxy’. Its ‘nominalistic’ separation of the Word of God as Scripture from God in his objective economic self-disclosure falsely disjoins the Word from God. While acknowledging the propriety of much of Torrance’s concern, this article endeavors to show a problematic disjunction in Torrance’s own though to this very point and to suggest a way of recovery that will enhance Torrance’s own profound and constructive Christocentri-Trinitarian theo-logical purpose.

Original languageUndefined/Unknown
StatePublished - Jan 1 1995
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameLiberty Baptist Theological Seminary (1973-2015)

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